Treatment & Support

The Right to See

A Swedish mother and former President of their Rett Association Elaine Johansen showed that 25–30% of Rett girls have benefited from using glasses.

Seventy percent of our body sensory receptors are clustered in our eyes.

A relatively simple and inexpensive test at your ophthalmologist using a retinoscope to investigate refractive errors of the eye by projecting a beam of light and observing the movement of the illuminated area of the retina surface.

Scoliosis Surgery

Jean and Mark have kindly given permission to show the benefits of the scoliosis operation which a number of families are considering for their daughters.

You can see how the lungs and other organs are affected by the spinal curvature and the benefits the straightened spine gives in picture two.

Many parents who have been through the operation are happy to talk about their experiences. Starship, with Haemish Crawford and his caring team are so caring to our girls. We owe them our very special thanks for their devotion.

Special Needs Education

Our educational advisory officer Fiona Rammel has compiled some questions and answers from the Ministry of Education's page on special education. Download it here (PDF format).

Susan Norwell Flip Book

A set of "pop talk" communication pages for girls to use with their teachers. In PDF format for printing.


Interesting article on Hydrotherapy:

Hydrotherapy for Rett Syndrome


Mandy's constipation recipe

2 cups apple puree
1 cup bran flakes
1 cup prune juice

Mix together and take 1 tablespoon twice daily. For people with a sweet tooth brown sugar can be added. Needless to say this can be adjusted to suit individual needs.

It can be taken directly or on cereal or whatever works!